It is important to be aware of these stages. You may experience them in no certain order or bounce around between them. It is great to recognize these 7 stages and acknowledge them. This is part of grief&loss.
Monthly Archives: January 2022
Cold Water And Breathing Therapy
Recently, I watched an episode on T.V about the benefits of cold water and breathing. I have been hooked for a few years now. Even more so now. It is almost addictive because I absolutely love the feeling of feeling good. I have noticed a significant reduction to zero recent major panic attacks. This alone is a great reason to keep coming back for more. One of my dogs, Ellie always comes in the shower, looks and is probably thinking Girl are you okay in there? Enjoy a few of my cold pictures and the link to my favorite guy and his methods. They work!
Here is his link below
Zion Poderosa Lodge
My friend, Darcy was telling me about this place. So, I went. It is such a nice peaceful place and located on the back side of zion national park. They have cute cabins, wagons, tents homes, glamping, Rv spots and fun things to do. Here is the link and a few pictures. They have many activities